Regional Modernism

Regional Modernism

Regional Modernism: B.C. Artists in the 1960s
A special exhibition at the Union Club of B.C.

This collection of paintings explores the unique aesthetics of West Coast Modern art. Artists such as Jack Shadbolt (1909-1998), Takao Tanabe (1926-), Maxwell Bates (1906-1980), Toni Onley (1928-2004), Don Jarvis (1923 - 2001) and Flemming Jorgensen (1934-2009) all contributed to bringing new ideas to visual arts in this region.

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Meghan Hildebrand

Meghan Hildebrand

Pocket Estates

March 9th to 23rd, 2019

In Pocket Estates, Hildebrand presents a collection of large scale works incorporating new techniques to her distinct style of repetitive improvised symbolic motifs.

With larger scale work Hildebrand incorporates larger fields of colour, incorporating a variety of paint applications and creating a sense of depth and perspective. Following her past solo exhibition at Madrona Gallery in 2017,

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Historic & Post-War Canadian Art

Historic & Post-War Canadian Art

April 13 - 27

Opening Reception April 13

In this annual exhibition, Madrona Gallery is pleased to present a cross-section of important historic Canadian art from many of Canada's most influential painters. Highlighting the works by members of the Group of Seven, Beaver Hall Group, David Blackwood, and west coast masters including Ted Harrison, E.J. Hughes, Toni Onley, Gordon Smith, Takao Tanabe and other artists from across the country.

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Harry Stanbridge R.C.A . - A Major Retrospective

Harry Stanbridge R.C.A . - A Major Retrospective

April 27 - May 10

Opening Reception April 27

Harry Stanbridge studied painting with Don Jarvis and Takao Tanabe at the Vancouver School of Art (now the Emily Carr College of Art + Design) from 1963 to 1968. After moving to Victoria, he taught art at Spectrum High School from 1978 to 2003 while maintaining a regular studio practice and exhibiting regularly throughout British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario.

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Clayton Anderson

Clayton Anderson

May 11 - 25

Opening Reception May 11

Clayton Anderson was born and raised in West Vancouver, British Columbia. Between 1984 and 1988 Anderson earned a degree in Visual Communications from the Alberta College of Art & Design. After a brief experience in the advertising department of Western Living and Vancouver magazines Anderson turned to painting exclusively in 1991.

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Hashim Hannoon

Hashim Hannoon

June 8 - 21

Opening Reception June 8

A respected artist in the middle east, this Iraqi born artist immigrated to Canada in 2009, currently living in Vancouver. Hashim Hannoon graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts-Baghdad in 1979. He received his Bachelor of Sculpture from the College of Fine Arts-Baghdad in 1999 and is a Member of Iraqi Artistic Forming Assembly and the Babylon Assembly of French Arts.

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Colours of Summer X

Colours of Summer X

Madrona Gallery is pleased to announce Colours of Summer IX, our yearly group exhibition of selections from our contemporary and historic collection. Included are new works by contemporary artists such as Rick Bond, Meghan Hildebrand, John Lennard, Halin de Repetigny, Nicholas Bott, April Mackey, Itee Pootoogook, Ningiukulu Teevee, and many more. These works are complemented by historic works by artists such as Takao Tanabe, Ted Harrison, Joseph Plaskett and Jack Shadbolt.

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Kudluajuk Ashoona

Kudluajuk Ashoona

November 2 - 16

Opening Reception November 2, 1-4 p.m.

Kudluajuk Ashoona was born in Cape Dorset on December 2, 1958 to Kabubuwa and Tayara Tunnillie, both well known carvers. Adopted by the family of celebrated graphic artist, Simeonie Quppapik, she started to seriously pursue art in 2011, after being inspired to draw by her daughter Nicotye Samayualie.

Kudluajuk’s art is very literal, exploring contemporary family life, leisure activities, and communal gatherings focusing on its narrative.

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Nicholas Bott

Nicholas Bott

November 16 - 30

Opening Reception November 16, 1-4 p.m.

Nicholas Bott studied art at the University of British Columbia and holds a diploma from the Chicago School of Art. Inspired by the loose style of Vincent Van Gogh and the Canadian Group of Seven, and blending his traditional European values with contemporary developments of the new world, his paintings have evolved continuously into the post-impressionistic style of his current work.  Bott distills the landscape elements of the West Coast and Rocky Mountains into powerful aesthetic compositions to communicate a sense of the sublime.  His work is held in collections across North America.

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